Adults with low literacy skills face a bleak future. Startling research by Georgetown University predicts that two-thirds of all new jobs in Michigan will require education and training beyond high school by 2020. As a result, adults who have been left behind by the K-12 educational system or who are not native English speakers have little hope of financial security.
Learn About the Literacy Problem in Oakland County and Our Approach
The Oakland Literacy Council is a non-for-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity that relies on the financial support of individuals, businesses, community organizations, and foundations to fulfill its mission to bring literacy to every adult in Oakland County who needs it.
Your tax-deductible financial gift can be made online, by mail or through a Donor Advised Fund.
The Council also seeks the following in-kind donations:
- Books
- Office supplies
- Office equipment
- Tickets to events