A professionally designed, interactive online training course is now being offered to new volunteers which reduces the amount of time needed to become a trained tutor for the Oakland Literacy Council.
The Oakland Literacy Council has now made it easier than ever to help adults improve their English skills. The Council provides free one-on-one tutoring for adults seeking better job skills, a high school credential, citizenship, or to help their child become successful learners. The Council relies on trained volunteer tutors who meet with students for two hours each week in local libraries, coffee shops, and other public buildings throughout Oakland County.
New volunteers are needed to help the over 170,000 Oakland County residents who need help with reading and English language skills. The volunteer training program now includes an online learning course that reduces the time spent on initial training. According to Lisa Machesky, Executive Director of the Oakland Literacy Council, “The time volunteers had to take out of their busy schedule was one of the biggest barriers we had to recruiting new tutors. Now with the e-learning course tutors only have to be on site for six hours of training before meeting their student. We are hoping that more working adults will be able to become tutors.”
This professional course was developed specifically for the Oakland Literacy Council by Troy resident Joan Allesee, a former tutor, tutor trainer, and instructional designer. Being a tutor herself, she saw how online, interactive learning could attract and educate new tutors by presenting great content in a new and engaging way. It is self-paced, low-cost, and presented in a format that increases retention and is in alignment with how businesses and educators are using technology in learning. “This is a ground-breaking piece of technology,” said Joan, “that will enhance the organization’s ability to recruit tutors. I am so happy that I was able to pitch in a little more to help the OLC continue its wonderful mission in Oakland County.”
To find out how to become a tutor visit the website at www.oaklandliteracy.com and click on “Become a Tutor”. You will be able to take the course and find the next steps to partnering with an adult who wants to learn.