Tutor Hour Report
Tutors can submit their monthly report online.
Tutor Professional Development Videos
Recordings of past tutor workshops on a variety of topics on our YouTube channel.
Remote Tutoring
Lesson plans designed for Zoom videoconferencing found here, along with resources for tutors, recordings of demos, student tips.
Lesson Plan Resources
Specific exercises tutors can adopt in their lesson plans to promote speaking, listening, reading, and writing
Helpful Websites
Some suggested websites to assist tutors in their lesson plans.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit
Resources to help tutors develop a teaching philosophy that is more conscious of race-, diversity-, and inclusivity-related topics in America.
Family Literacy
A list of free online resources for parents who want to read to their children.
Private Facebook Group for Tutors
Join this Facebook chat group to ask questions and share ideas with fellow tutors.